Cable Snakes

This is a paragraph about why you would want to buy or make a cable snake.

Use a Cat6 Cable Snake Box

Important! Many musicians, particularly those with experience in live and studio sound (or are just IT nerds), may immediately think this is a digital audio transmission system. It is not. It simply uses the 8 conductors+ground available in a Cat6 cable to transmit the audio. These boxes are just fancy cable adapters.

Use a snake box at both ends of your Cat6 cable. On stage, you can plug your  nearby microphones and direct boxes into one box. At the other, end, have short versions of each cable you'll need to plug into your mixer or patch panel.

Use a Bundled Cable Snake

If you have oddly specific cable requirements, consider building a custom cable snake to make your setup and teardown incredibly simpler.

Prep and Storage

I had to write a third section and I'm not sure yet what it is.

This is the last paragraph of for Cable Snakes. Look how fast you can setup and tear down now!

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