Accessories > Cables

Collection: Accessories > Cables

Welcome to the electrifying world of instrument cables, where the humble wire may be the gateway to sonic bliss - or disaster! Choosing the right cable can make or break your performance.

The classic instrument cable, the sturdy stalwart of the musical realm. These cables typically come in a 1/4-inch (6.35mm) jack variety and are the unsung heroes of guitar and bass rigs everywhere. They come in a dazzling array of lengths, colors, and thicknesses. Patch cables. These little guys are essential for connecting pedals to each other and ensuring your signal flows smoothly from one effect to another. They come in straight and right-angle varieties, so you can keep your board tidy or arrange it like a minimalist’s dream. The MIDI cable. The unsung hero of electronic music, transmitting the “hey, play this note” messages between your keyboard and your computer.

Cables might seem like a mere afterthought, but they are the unsung conduits of creativity.